


SWTJC President's Gala Raises $11,000, Unites Community in Support of Higher Education

SWTJC President's Gala Raises $11,000, Unites Community in Support of Higher Education

Uvalde, TX, April 16, 2024 - The SWTJC Friends and Alumni Network (FAN) hosted the president's gala on Saturday, April 13, where $11,000 was raised for scholarships. Two hundred fifty guests attended the event. PHOTOS

The evening was a celebration of community partnership and a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration.

The gala brought together partners from various sectors, including representatives from the local government, school districts, financial institutions, health care providers and business community. Dr. Hector Gonzales, President of SWTJC, expressed profound gratitude to all attendees, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in driving success.

In his poignant address, Dr. Gonzales echoed the sentiments of Helen Keller, underscoring the transformative power of unity. He emphasized, "Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much!" This sentiment resonated throughout the evening, highlighting the significance of partnerships with local school districts, universities and the business community in expanding access to education, fostering workforce development and community growth.

The gala served as a platform to acknowledge the remarkable achievements of SWTJC amid challenging times, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gonzales commended the institution's resilience and adaptability, citing innovative, remote learning and community engagement.

Highlighting the strides made in recent years, President Gonzales shared notable accomplishments, including significant grant awards totaling over $20 million, expansion of technical programs, and a noteworthy increase in SWTJC's fund balance and tax valuation.

Moreover, Dr. Gonzales unveiled SWTJC's transition to Southwest Texas College, marking a pivotal moment in the institution's evolution. The name change reflects a broader vision, encompassing plans to offer bachelor's degrees while honoring the institution's rich legacy of serving Southwest Texas for over 78 years.

The president's gala celebrated past achievements and laid the groundwork for future endeavors. Gonzales thanked the board of trustees, faculty, staff, partners, and attendees for their unwavering support and dedication to the institution's mission.

In closing, Dr. Gonzales invoked the words of Henry Ford, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration. He thanked attendees for their continued belief in SWTJC's mission and commitment to student success.

The funds raised during the gala will support scholarships benefiting students across SWTJC's service area, furthering the college's mission of enriching lives and advancing growth through education.